Public Online Meeting for St. Clairsville OHIO Wastewater Injection Well 4/10/20 … now cancelled

by Duane Nichols on April 9, 2020

Residents recognize risks to the public health

ONLINE O.D.N.R. MEETING, April 10th at 12:30pm

Online Injection Well Public Meeting Instructions, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)

Despite our efforts to encourage the ODNR to postpone the St. Clairsville, OH injection well public meeting until after the COVID-19 public gathering restrictions are lifted, the Division is going forward with the online format. Even the Belmont County Commissioners were not happy with this decision. It is still important to attend this meeting and ask your questions. Here are a few important things to note:

For instruction on how to log on, click HERE. Make sure to download the WebEX software- it will save time to download it ahead of time. The meeting is limited to the first 200 participants so please log on at 12:15pm sharp to make sure you get a spot.

There is a call-in option. The call-in phone numbers are listed on the instructions page. Further instructions on how to submit a question, etc. can be found at the above link.

CLICK HERE to see CORR’s comments/concerns about these proposed injection wells. Feel free to draw from this document when forming your questions for the ODNR. Please also share this with people in the surrounding areas of proposed injection wells.

Again, the original comment period for this injection well saw about 700 public comments being submitted. People are not happy about this location as it is right next to multiple county buildings, the health department, 2 colleges, the county jail, a nursing care facility, the Belmont Career Center, an animal shelter, a church, residential homes, and other facilities. Injection wells accept waste water left over from the hydraulic fracking industry’s operations.

Let’s continue to remain vigilant about our current and future beautiful Ohio Valley. See you at the meeting.

Best, CORR team, Concerned Ohio River Residents

Reach out to us anytime.

NOTE: You can see photos of injection wells on

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Duane Nichols April 9, 2020 at 10:55 pm


Hi CORR followers,

Apologies for the multiple emails today, however we must provide this update:

The online injection well meeting pertaining to the St. Clairsville OMNI Energy injection well at Rt. 40 & 331 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The ODNR notified us shortly after our meeting alert went out today.

A Belmont County judge granted a restraining order on behalf of Bob Murray, since his coal corporation’s headquarters are very close to the proposed injection well site. Judge Vavra states that the proposed virtual format, using a service known as WebEX and limiting participation to 200 people, does not guarantee Murray the right to be heard on the matter.

Judge Vavra stated: “Our Constitution provides all of us with the right to Due Process; the right to reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. Plaintiff has shown that the format of the proposed virtual meeting fails to protect and, consequently, violates that right guaranteed to Plaintiff. The Court, of course, is mindful that ODNR has tried its best but has limited options due to the pandemic.”

We believe that this is great news! Having a virtual meeting about this injection well issue was not a just decision by the ODNR. CORR will continue to follow this issue and in the meantime, if you have any questions about injection wells or would like to learn about the current events happening in Belmont County, please reach out to us.

Here is our website.

Take care and have a great weekend!

-Concerned Ohio River Residents


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