Stop Liquified Natural Gas by Rail in Your Community!
MEMO: To Regional Residents & Concerned Citizens, Mid-Atlantic States, March 9, 2023
We are asking for your support to sign a petition asking President Biden and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to take action to protect communities from the transport of dangerous liquified natural gas (LNG) by rail. LNG is natural gas that is chilled to -260°F. It is highly flammable and explosive when exposed to air and can burn the skin if it makes contact.
PHMSA is a federal agency under the Department of Transportation that is responsible for regulating the nation’s pipeline infrastructure. In July 2020, PHMSA issued a rule that lifted a long-standing ban on transporting liquified natural gas (LNG) by rail. PHMSA also issued a special permit to specifically allow the transport of LNG by rail from a liquefaction plant in Wyalusing, PA to an export terminal in Gibbstown, NJ by a company called New Energy Solutions. This LNG would then be shipped overseas.
The proposed rail route for this project would expose almost 2 million people to the risks of LNG, many of whom are low-income and already overburdened by environmental injustice. The special permit allows the transport of LNG using rail cars that were not designed for LNG transport, adding to the potential for a catastrophic incident. And as LNG is made from methane gas, it’s a highly potent greenhouse gas, further exacerbating the climate crisis.
Thank you for taking this important action.
>>> Sincerely, Joseph Otis Minott, Esq., Executive Director and Chief Counsel