WEBINAR R.S.V.P. ~ Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastics [Beaver County, PA]

by Duane Nichols on March 8, 2022

Sometimes the big picture is worse than you imagined

To: Friends and Concerned Residents of Pennsylvania, Ohio & West Virginia

From the Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community, March 8, 2022

As the world shifts from fossil fuel-based energy and transportation, plastics are the petrochemical industry’s Plan B, with more plastics infrastructure being built every year. Plastics and the climate crisis go hand in hand: by 2030, emissions from US plastics will surpass emissions from US coal.

Join the Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastics team Thursday, March 10th at 7 PM ET for Plastics:

>>> Earth’s Super Polluters, a briefing of a report by Alexis Goldsmith from Beyond Plastics about the major climate impacts from the production of plastic ingredients and materials.

>>> BJ McManama from Indigenous Environmental Network will join us to give insight to how we are directly impacted by the petrochemical industry and the larger implications of what this means for the health and wellbeing of communities. Then we will discuss several actions we can take.

>>> Paulita Bennett-Martin from Oceana will give us an update on the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act.

We look forward to seeing our A-Z Family again! And, we hope to see you on March 10th!

Click here to register and become part of the A-Z Impacts of Plastic Family!

RSVP: https://bit.ly/ImpactsofPlastic

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