Renewable Energy plans are evolving — Source: IEEE Spectrum
Authored News from Jonathan Lopez, ICIS, November 25, 2021
MADRID (ICIS)–BASF is to start up a subsidiary to bundle its renewable energy activities, effective 1 January 2022, the German chemicals major said on Thursday.
The new subsidiary has been named BASF Renewable Energy GmbH. It will be headquartered at BASF’s flagship facilities in Ludwigshafen and will be led by Horatio Evers, previously responsible for the development of renewable energies at BASF.
BASF said it aims to gradually replace fossil fuel-based electricity to greener sources of energy produced in-house as well as signing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with energy suppliers.
“[BASF’s] electricity consumption in Europe will increase from the current level of around nine terawatt hours of electricity from fossil generation annually to the point where at least three to four times as much electricity from renewable sources will be needed to reach the net zero goal,” said the chemicals major. “BASF Renewable Energy GmbH is tasked with supplying the European sites with these additional volumes in line with demand.”
BASF has set a target to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25% by 2030, compared with 2018 levels, and aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. On Wednesday, the company said the new subsidiary would employ around 80 employees, with a reporting line direct to the company’s CEO Martin Brudermuller.
See Also: CONSOL Energy Announces Direct Operating Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets, Seeks 50% Improvement in 5 Years, Net Zero by 2040, CONSOL Energy Inc., PR Newswire, October 13, 2021
CANONSBURG, PA. ~ CONSOL Energy has advanced its Forward Progress sustainability initiative with the announcement of targets to reduce its direct operating greenhouse gas emissions. The Company has set an interim goal to reduce its direct operating greenhouse gas emissions (referred to as scope 1 and scope 2 emissions) on an absolute basis by 50% over a five year period (or by the end of 2026), compared to 2019 baseline levels and measured as the rate of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emitted. In addition, the Company announced its long-term efforts to achieve net zero direct operating greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 or sooner if feasible.
“Since becoming an independent company in 2017, we’ve prioritized ESG and outlined goals to enhance employee safety, reduce environmental impacts, and create sustainable value,” said CONSOL Energy President and Chief Executive Officer Jimmy Brock. “We continue to emphasize those ESG aspects of greatest impact to CONSOL, our stakeholders, and the environment. Developing direct operating greenhouse gas emission reduction targets puts our ESG approach into action and reflects our Board of Directors’ and management team’s dedication to continuous improvement.”
CONSOL Energy’s interim greenhouse gas emission reduction target is expected to be achieved through multiple initiatives, including energy management and operational efficiency efforts. Primary to achieving this goal is the expansion of the Company’s methane destruction program, which has been piloted at the Pennsylvania Mining Complex since 2017. Our pilot program has proven that this endeavor will lead to meaningful direct operating emissions reductions. CONSOL’s long-term ambition envisions multiple initiatives across our entire operating footprint, starting with full-scale deployment of methane abatement equipment. The 2040 target is also expected to be informed by the Company’s strategic initiatives and partnerships, which aim to develop the technologies needed to achieve global aspirational greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. While the targets announced today are limited to direct operating greenhouse gas emissions, CONSOL continues to invest in research that could positively impact indirect (or scope 3) emissions in the future, if successful. This includes, for example, the Company’s U.S. Department of Energy sponsored 21st Century Power Plant project and multiple projects seeking to develop advanced building materials from coal, which support a reduction in indirect emissions.
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So today we have two stories in which industry sources brag about their intentions to reduce their impacts — that is, reduce the GHG and other environmental impacts of their fossil fuel-based operations, which is like a professional assassin saying he’s reducing the human rights issues in his operation.
And then we have a story from NGO sources talking about what we “must” do to solve the problem of plastics in the ocean. This is so typical — industry and industrial consortium mouthpieces greenwash, and NGOs that want problems solved talking impotently about what we “should” or “must” do, often incorporating that tired phrase, “the political will is lacking.”
Right here is the nub of the problem: governments, the source of political will, are owned and directed by corporations, not the public or NGOs. Corporations regard environmental crises as PR challenges, to be solved by greenwashing, and the media is ever ready to amplify their message.
And so, year after year, nothing is done. Nothing but rhetoric and throwing corporate funds on PR, taxpayer funds on R&D for solutions already proven false — but which don’t interfere with corporate profits.