Projects for men & women can have long range benefits to communities
From Duane & Sue Miles Nichols, Morgantown, WV, November 13, 2021
1. CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND CAUSING WEATHER CONDITIONS TO BE EXTREME. The major fossil fuel corporations of America are not helping to alleviate the crisis, so local communities must step up and responded as soon as possible and as much as possible. Major negative impacts to our Earth are accelerating, so that our responses must be immediate, substantial and sustaining.
2. The “agricultural extension agent” activities in WV and the United States in general have been severely curtailed in recent years. These agents are needed now more than ever. Let’s double the number assigned — two per county. They are needed to help dramatically increase our land use and agricultural economics.
3. The “climate corps” proposed at the federal level is needed in West Virginia and should be instituted by our State government ASAP, similar to the CCC back in the depression years. Labor unions can and should help to train both men and women and then help to plan and execute bold programs to improve and expand infrastructure in our communities as well as add facilities in rural areas.
4. There is another untapped resource available, the retired and unemployed people who can be both volunteers and instructors for assisting with community organization, public education, community workshops, home construction, home insulation and recreational activities, as well as many other activities.
5. We can and need to focus on energy conservation, on energy efficiency improvements, and on various solar energy projects. There is tremendous advantage to be achieved if we can develop a community spirit for public cooperation, for sharing of useful information, and promoting an atmosphere that recognizes the severe crisis facing our entire civilization.
6. Thank you for this opportunity to participate in such an important forum.
Submitted by — Duane G. Nichols, Retired Chemical Engineer from Tyler & Monongalia Counties AND Sue Miles Nichols, Retired WVU Extension Leader from Wetzel & Monongalia Counties.
NOTE — Additional input to the LISTENING SESSION Project for Coal Community Revitalization at the West Virginia House of Delegates can be made at: coalcommunity@wvhouse.gov