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PA Permit Violation Issued to THE PRODUCTION CO LLC in German Twp, Fayette County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/04/2021 to THE PRODUCTION CO LLC in German Twp, Fayette county. OGA3211(H) – WELL PERMITS – LABELING – Failure to install, in a permanent manner, the permit number on a completed well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-04
PA Permit Violation Issued to THE PRODUCTION CO LLC in German Twp, Fayette County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/04/2021 to THE PRODUCTION CO LLC in German Twp, Fayette county. OGA3211(G) – WELL PERMITS – POSTING – Failure to post the well permit number and the operator’s name, address and phone number at the well site during construction of the access road, site preparation and during drilling, operating or alteration of well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-04
PA Permit Violation Issued to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/10/2021 to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland county. 102.4(b)1 – EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS – Person conducting earth disturbance activity failed to implement and maintain E & S BMPs to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-10
PA Permit Violation Issued to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/10/2021 to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland county. 78.53 – EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL – Operator failed to design, implement and maintain best management practices and an erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102, during and after earthmoving or soil disturbing activities, including the activities related to siting, drilling, completing, producing, servicing and plugging, constructing, utilizing and restoring the site and access road.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-10
PA Permit Violation Issued to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/10/2021 to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland county. 102.22(a) – SITE STABILIZATION – PERMANENT STABILIZATION – Permitee failed to have site permanently stabilized and protected from accelerated erosion and sedimentation upon final completion of earth disturbance activity.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-10
PA Permit Violation Issued to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/10/2021 to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland county. CSL 401 – PROHIBITION AGAINST OTHER POLLUTIONS – Discharged substance of any kind or character resulting in pollution of Waters of the Commonwealth.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-10
PA Permit Violation Issued to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/10/2021 to DIVERSIFIED PROD LLC in Loyalhanna Twp, Westmoreland county. 102.11(a)1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – BMP AND DESIGN STANDARDS – Person failed to design, implement and maintain E & S BMPs to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation to protect, maintain, reclaim and restore water quality and existing and designated uses.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-10
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/13/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene county. 78.12 – COMPLIANCE WITH PERMITS – Failure to comply with terms and conditions of permit or registration while drilling, altering or operating an oil or gas well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-13
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/13/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene county. 78.12 – COMPLIANCE WITH PERMITS – Failure to comply with terms and conditions of permit or registration while drilling, altering or operating an oil or gas well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-13
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/13/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene county. 78.12 – COMPLIANCE WITH PERMITS – Failure to comply with terms and conditions of permit or registration while drilling, altering or operating an oil or gas well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-13
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/13/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Jackson Twp, Greene county. 78.12 – COMPLIANCE WITH PERMITS – Failure to comply with terms and conditions of permit or registration while drilling, altering or operating an oil or gas well.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-13
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene County
Description: Administrative violation issued on 8/16/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene county. 78.88(a) – OPERATING WELLS – MECHANICAL INTEGRITY OF OPERATING WELLS – Operator failed to inspect each operating well quarterly for compliance with the well construction and operating requirements.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-16
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/16/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene county. 78.103 – INACTIVE STATUS – ANNUAL MONITORING OF INACTIVE WELLS – Owner or operator failed to monitor well integrity on an annual basis, give prior 3 day notice, follow required method and submit monitoring reports by March 31.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-16
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/16/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene county. 78a83(g) – CASING AND CEMENTING – SURFACE AND COAL PROTECTIVE CASING AND CEMENTING PROCEEDURES – Operator failed to set and cement a coal protective string of casing thru workable coal seams. Failure to install base of coal protective casing at least 30 feet below lowest workable coal seam and install at least two centralizers , one within 50 feet of casing seat and second within 100 feet of surface.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-16
PA Permit Violation Issued to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene County
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 8/16/2021 to RICE DRILLING B LLC in Center Twp, Greene county. 78a83(c) – CASING AND CEMENTING – SURFACE AND COAL PROTECTIVE CASING AND CEMENTING PROCEEDURES – Operator failed to drill to approximately 50 feet below the deepest fresh groundwater or at least 50 feet into consolidated rock, whichever is deeper, and immediately set and permanently cement a string of surface casing to that depth.
Incident Date/Time: 2021-08-16
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“We need to ban fracking, starting with an immediate ban on all new permits and quickly banning fracking near homes and schools. We need to hold polluters accountable for the harm they are doing in our communities. We also need robust testing of water near homes and schools around fracking sites.”
—Val Arkoosh, MD, MPH