The Property Rights and Pipeline Center is very concerned about resident rights to their lands and forests
News Report from the Allegheny Blue Ridge Alliance, May 28, 2021
The Property Rights and Pipeline Center, a national coalition of which ABRA is a member, this week released five new mini-documentary films about the unjust manner in which the power of eminent domain is granted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
These are excellent depictions of the issues involving eminent domain use to take farmers lands for private gain. Pipelines involve more than the taking of land. The disturbances, noises, air pollution fumes, and water pollution are extreme. Safety issues are due to leaks, fires and explosions.
Kudos to our filmmaker friend and colleague Sarah Hazelgrove for creating such compelling stories! Each video is 12-14 minutes long.
Links for all are below:
• A Town at Risk – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsCVUSWkSAU
• Averitt Family ACP – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXLABUIgNpU
• Megan Holleran Fighting the Constitution Pipeline – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sljN2RmGWg
• The Hero from the Holler – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMe-nrvmNTY
• Landowners vs The Law – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrTufM0W3D4
See also: The Property Rights and Pipeline Center (PRPC) is committed to ending the use of eminent domain for oil and gas pipelines and associated infrastructure. We are determined to fight oil and gas infrastructure that takes land without the consent of its owners and puts treacherous pipelines under their homes and in protected forests, water supplies, farms and neighborhoods.
The fact is, we don’t need these pipelines — there is currently an oil and gas glut. Energy demand is generally flat in many cases and going down around the country. Pipelines leak and explode all the time and in many cases are used to move product for overseas export; not for our energy needs at all. Americans treasure their right to own and enjoy their property. Companies that foul the local environment and add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere should not take Americans property against their will.
Across America, more municipalities, citizens and landowners every day push back as pipeline companies threaten their land and safety. Many property rights and pipeline fights and legal battles are going on today throughout the country. We hope to join the many voices together so that we can speak with a powerful, unified voice for property rights and a clean energy future in all corners of this country.