The United Nations Framework Convention (UNFCCC) was established at the first Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP-26) is set for Glasgow in November 2021
From an Article by Mary Anne Hitt, Sierra Magazine, January – February, 2021
Finally, we engaged millions of people in the work for climate justice. Let’s be clear: None of this was easy. As we sit here in 2030, the clean and just energy future that we’ve built together has been the result of millions of people stepping up in their own states and communities.
I know all this seemed impossible back in 2020, when it felt as if everything was falling apart and our climate might be doomed. But everything we did mattered. All of it.
We now know that we’re going to keep global temperature rise below the dangerous tipping points that climate scientists warned us about a decade ago.
We can look our kids in the eye and tell them that we didn’t let them down. Now we can watch their dreams unfold.
As all our great spiritual traditions have taught us, new beginnings are often born during our most difficult days. We created something beautiful out of those hard days in 2020.
Of course we have more work to do. But we’re doing that work from a foundation we built together. I can’t wait to see what we’ll do next.
££ This concludes this Article series here on FrackCheckWV.net.
This Article appeared in the January/February edition of SIERRA with the headline “A Love Letter From the Clean Energy Future.”
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See also: Paris Climate Agreement Q&A | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions …. What happens next?
The negotiations on the Paris rulebook at COP 24 proved in some ways more challenging than those leading to the Paris Agreement as parties faced a mix of technical and political challenges and, in some respects, higher stakes in seeking to elaborate the agreement’s broad provisions through detailed guidance. Delegates adopted rules and procedures on mitigation, transparency, adaptation, finance, periodic stocktakes, and other Paris provisions. But they were unable to agree on rules for Article 6, which provides for voluntary cooperation among parties in implementing their NDCs, including through the use of market-based approaches.
Instead, parties deferred those decisions to COP 25.
In September 2019, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres convened a climate summit in New York to rally countries to higher ambition in 2020. The world’s largest emitters failed to present substantive plans for greater emissions reductions but 65 countries expressed their intention to enhance their NDCs by the end of 2020. With the launch of a “Climate Ambition Alliance,” 66 countries announced their intention to develop plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
A marathon COP 25 was held in Madrid, Spain, from December 2 to December 15, 2019, with Chile retaining the presidency. Governments reaffirmed a prior call for parties to reflect “their highest possible ambition” when presenting a new round of NDCs in 2020, but they failed again to adopt rules for international carbon trading under Article 6, the last major piece of the “rulebook” for implementing the Paris Agreement. Additionally, vulnerable developing countries expressed growing exasperation at the scarce resources available to them to cope with worsening climate impacts.
Due to the impacts of the global novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the UNFCCC postponed most of its major climate meetings until 2021, including COP 26. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected countries’ efforts to put forward the new or enhanced NDCs due in 2020.
On December 12, 2020, the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the UN, France, and the UK, co-hosted a virtual global climate summit, the Climate Ambition Summit.
The UK currently plans to host COP 26 from November 1-12, 2021, in Glasgow, Scotland.
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