NOTE: Public Meeting on PTTG Cracker & Hub at Moundsville (2/26/19)

by Duane Nichols on February 24, 2019

Upcoming Belmont Co. cracker plant/petrochemical hub informational meeting

LOCATION: Moundsville Public Library, Tuesday, February 26th @ 6 PM

From: Bev Reed, FaCTOV OhioValley — (

Hello to Friends & Concerned Citizens:

Please join local Ohio Valley residents, the Sierra Club, FreshWater Accountability Project, and the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition for an informational meeting pertaining to the potential Belmont County cracker plant/petrochemical hub on Tuesday, February 26th at 6pm at the Moundsville public library.

A few nonprofits are appealing [1] the PTTG air permit that was approved by the Ohio EPA. The permit was extremely deficient and is not adequately protective of human health and the environment.

There will be an attorney present who is involved with the appeal to answer questions and talk about some of the deficiencies. The purpose is to inform the public about the planned projects and potential hazards, talk about what can be done about it, and also to show solidarity as we continue to resist these projects.

Please share this announcement with others. Above is the flyer for the event, as well as the deficiencies of the permit. There are a plethora of reasons why this plant and the potential build-out from it will negatively impact the entire region, and also the planet as a whole. These will be discussed at the meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

>> Thank you, Bev Reed — Faith Communities Together (FaCT-OV) — A voice in the Ohio Valley promoting responsible stewardship of the land, air and water. ( )

[1] Environmental Groups Challenge Key Permit for Ohio Petrochemical Plant | Sierra Club,

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