From Kathleen Tyner, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, December 19, 2016
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project. You can comment on the DEIS through December 22, 2016.
The DEIS is supposed to be an in-depth analysis of all the environmental impacts that could occur as a result of the project. It should include an assessment of all the concerns raised about the project during the scoping period.You can view maps of the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline route here and view the DEIS here.
We found the DEIS lacking of critical information. Without this information FERC is unable to evaluate the project’s true impact. Please review these suggested comments and follow the directions below to submit comments on the MVP DEIS. If you have any questions about this process, please call 304-637-7201 and we’ll be happy to help.
- To submit comments online, you will need to submit an e-comment request.
- Go to the email account you submitted your e-comment request under and click the link in the FERC email.
- Half way down the e-comment page, under the yellow search tab, you will need to look-up the MVP DEIS docket. In the “Enter Docket Number” search box enter, CP16-10, click search.
- Multiple options will be returned, the first option should say “Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC” under the applicant/filer column, click the blue cross on the right.
- Enter your comments in the box under your name and city. See WV Rivers’ suggested comments.
- Once finished with your comments, click “Send Comments.”
You can also submit comments by mail. A paper copy of your comments, referencing docket number CP16-10-0000, can be mailed to:
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426
For more information contact West Virginia Rivers Coalition - (304) 637-7201