Petition to WV Governor and Statoil (Norwegian Oil & Gas Company): “Don’t Frack Ohio River”

by Duane Nichols on April 2, 2015

Keep "residual waste" out of the Ohio River

Cancel current and ban future fracking contracts under or near Ohio River

Petition by Brandon Schlunt of Cincinnati, OH,, March 15, 2015

Sign Brandon’s petition here:    Sign Brandon’s petition

The environmental damage from fracking can now be seen in many places across the country.

Chemical leaks into watersheds, earthquakes, and complaints of “un-breathable air” from local residents are well documented, as are the “gag orders” prohibiting citizens from even talking about hydraulic fracturing imposed by local governments paid by the fracking companies.

Now, the State of West Virginia feels it has the right to pollute the Ohio River for their small financial gains. A deal was reached between the state of West Virginia and Statoil to approve fracking on about 474 acres of land beneath the river in Marshall and Wetzel Counties. The state will receive 20 percent production royalties. Leasing state-owned land for hydraulic fracturing is a new venture for the state. Many people said they are worried about the effects.

ALL states along the Ohio River and the Mississippi River should take note that this will further degrade and increase toxicity of THEIR waterway, too.

The Ohio River is already the 7th most polluted waterway in the U.S. due to an accumulation of short-sighted revenue generators like this involving natural resource exploitation. Clearly, we cannot rely on state governments to be good neighbors. Would you let your neighbor pour toxic chemicals into YOUR lawn?

Statoil, please, no longer use the government’s budgetary shortfalls as justification to damage OUR watersheds for private gain!


Note: We already have 1578 signatures and working toward 2500 or more!

See also: and Sign Brandon’s petition

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