On-Line Petition: “Ban Fracking in West Virginia”

by Duane Nichols on February 10, 2015

Current fracking practices are unsafe & unhealthy

Subject: Ban Fracking in West Virginia

Petition at Move-On.org: Created by Tina Del Prete, Doddridge County, WV

Background: I live in the middle of the fracking frenzy in Doddridge County, WV. We are the true sacrifice zone folks keep hearing about.

That’s why I created a petition to The West Virginia State House, The West Virginia State Senate, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

“New York has banned fracking and West Virginia should too.”

We already have over 2,000 signatures and I am seeking 3,000 or more. As Neil Young asks in his new song, “Who’s Gonna Stand Up?”  He is also concerned about the frack sand open-pit mining in Wisconsin and Minnesota as well as the tar sands open-pit mining in Alberta, Canada, both of which are destroying the land.

Regardless of where you live, will you sign this petition? Click petition here.

Thanks, Tina Del Prete, Doddridge County, WV

See also: www.FrackCheckWV.net

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A P Mama February 10, 2015 at 5:44 pm

I signed. Also, urgent attention by February 13 th …..l.l

Here is another action people need to take right now: The U.S. Forest Service is seeking comments on whether to issue a special use permit to Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC, which would allow the company to conduct site survey and testing in a 17.1-mile segment of the Monongahela National Forest in Randolph and Pocahontas counties.

The Mon contains headwater streams that feed six major rivers. It has the greatest amount of undisturbed land in the region, and is home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna, many of them sensitive.

Email: comments-eastern-monongahela-greenbrier@fs.fed.us

And, there is also this:


Please reply right away, April Keating


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