*** June 29-30th Water & Wellness Conference 2, WV Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, WV ***
Wellness and Water II: Health Impacts of Fossil Fuel Extraction.
This conference will take place on the weekend of June 29th-30th. We are expanding this event from last year’s half day format to a day and a half. We will have speakers and workshops related to both coal and gas affected communities. Overnight housing and meals will be available. Where: West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, WV–http://www.wvwc.edu/
SATURDAY, June 29: Full day of events including two plenary speakers, panelists and workshops addressing drinking water impacts and health problems associated with mountaintop removal coal mining and unconventional gas well drilling, as well as waste disposal problems from both of these industries. Hear testimonies from residents whose drinking water has been impacted. Movie and/or social events in the evening on Saturday.
SUNDAY, June 30: Half day of action oriented events, including one plenary speaker and a panel to discuss action-focused solutions, followed by discussions of action plan development.
Meals: Saturday/Sunday breakfast, snacks; Saturday lunch and dinner available on site.
Fee: $40 for the entire event. Snacks and meals included with registration.
Speakers scheduled so far:
Tom Darrah, Duke University–He has done water testing in both coal and gas affected communities in West Virginia.
Leslie Fields, Director of National Sierra Club Environmental Justice and Community Partnerships–based in Washington, DC.
Grant Smith, Civil Society Institute–Primary speaker for Sunday morning who will address the potential of truly renewable energy sources to alleviate health problems and water pollution.
Contact: Robin Blakeman at robin@ohvec.org or 304-522-0246 for more information.
For directions visit: http://www.wvwc.edu/about/directions.php
For overnight lodging: http://www.wvwc.edu/about/lodging.php