When word about a deal to drill in Oglebay Park first appeared, many of those concerned about the impacts of Marcellus shale gas drilling were shocked that a beautiful park like Oglebay would allow such industrial development. The subtitle of the article is “Park officials had objected to several points of plan.”
The article states: “members of the Wheeling Park Commission quickly objected to several of Chesapeake’s drilling plans.” The list of objections includes many of the issues listed in this website, and would be addressed by our legislative agenda.
The park commission’s comments questioned Chesapeake’s Oglebay drilling plans in the following areas:
> incomplete report on water use and transportation;
> incomplete report on gas distribution;
> incomplete report on coal seam depth;
> incomplelte report on the source of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, water;
> questions on the size of the drill pad;
> questions regarding the disposal of hydraulic fracturing “fracking” fluid;
> questions regarding the construction of an impoundment pond;
> incomplete report on how the company will deal with accidental spills or runoff;
> incomplete report on how the firm will protect nearby streams from pollution;
> an additional comment regarding potential spills; and
> an adequate safety plan.